In English

Juankoski High School is a safe and comfortable local high school where everybody has the freedom to be themselves. Our teachers know the students and have time for individual guidance and support. We are expanding our syllabus with simultaneous teaching in cooperation with Nilsiä High School. Additional language courses are offered in German and Russian, and you can take online courses in several other languages.

Our high school is located 65km away from Kuopio, the regional capital.


International contacts

During the school year 2021–2022 we have an exchange student from Thailand.

We and Tuusniemi High School share a partner school, which is Schiller-Gymnasium in Hameln, Germany.

Earlier projects::

  • Partner in four-year project NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) with Wales, Romania and Sweden, where 8 students and 4 teachers from Juankoski participated in international conferences. (2016-2020)
  • In April 2015, we visited School No. 23 in St. Petersburg.
  • We had a two-year Erasmus+ project ”Hooked on Books” (started in 2014) together with a Hungarian and Romanian school.